
Virtual studio visit with Hamza Beg

by Juli Cordray

I visited Hamza Beg’s virtual studio at Vital Capacities residency space – and you can too

Over the course of his residency, Hamza, a self-taught multimedia artist and researcher, has been expanding on and conducting research around a previously initiated project, “Mark of My Departure” (MOMD). This central work is … Read the full article


Vienna Art Week 2021

A collection of impressions and experiences from this year’s Vienna Art Week — The House of Losing Control and more.

by Julianne Cordray

Almut Rink, A Play, A Rock, A Line, A Book, A Path, A Home, A Raft, A Quest, 2021, Ausstellungsansicht House of Losing Control, Vienna Art Week 2021 © Wolfgang Thaler

The … Read the full article


Coco-yam Country
by hn. lyonga

25. A mother of three who works the red-light district in six-inch heels: her thoughts on a Friday night. A woman from the valleys of Coco-yam country is here. Deities visiting bodies. Grass skirts waving. Mother of two melanated girls and a boy. My daughters and other black girls rock. We speak spells and own … Read the full article


A session on dead things and little pleasures
by hn. lyonga

I dedicate this to my sister and the women who walk white streets everyday hiding themselves in fear.

On the day Nelson Mandela died
I dragged a malnourished body through muddy streets
then paid to hurl my guts about everything wrong with my life. And. Little pleasures that
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