Julianne Cordray – Selected texts

Galerie Thomas Schulte

Paco Knöller: Senkrecht durch den Augenblick
Galerie Thomas Schulte

José Montealegre: Narrativas Circulares
Galerie Thomas Schulte
Julianne Cordray is an art writer, editor and publisher living and working in Berlin, Germany. Her writing has been featured internationally in magazines and journals online and in print, including ArtConnect Magazine, Berliner Zeitung, Berlin Art Link, Hyperallergic, Vienna Art Week, and THE SEEN – art journal of EXPO Chicago, among others. Her exhibition essays and translations (DE -> EN) have also appeared in publications commissioned by artists, institutions and galleries, including Galerie Thomas Schulte, Berlin and Kunstverein Göttingen. In 2018, she co-founded textur, which was awarded a Visual Arts Project Space Grant by the Berlin Senate in 2021. In 2020, she was Critic in Residence at studio das weisse haus in cooperation with Vienna Art Week. She was the inaugural resident of the Re_Routing x Co-Making Matters ‘Walking Residency’ at Haus der Statistik, Berlin in 2023.