no. 4

The Body Bureaucratic Manifesto
by Leah Sandler

The Body Bureaucratic is a skeleton hewn out of wooden language and set up as a scarecrow in the halls of whatever institutions it can gain access. 

1. We recognize the fragility of our basic human needs, and the necessity of caring for one another. 
The Body Bureaucratic is composed of the body, in many forms, and its interconnected, entangled, symbiotic collaborators. 

2. We recognize the urgent need to dismantle the hierarchies and systems incongruent with the Body Bureaucratic and its primary functions. 
When the functioning of the Body Bureaucratic is impeded by external bureaucracies, they will be severed and subsequently dissolved by the Body Bureaucratic.

3. We begin with our bodies in context. Where do we go from here?
The Body Bureaucratic assigns organ systems and viscera in the planning and implementation of utopias. 

4. We urgently desire and create a better world– our heads, our hands, our hearts, our labor.
The Body Bureaucratic will ensure the construction of our collective futures with tenderness, slowness, and nourishment.

5. We will nourish one another.
The Body Bureaucratic may chew, swallow, digest and expel waste. These processes may be considered a primary function of the organization. 

6. We hold one another close and breathe deeply.
The Body Bureaucratic moves air into and out of the lungs to facilitate gas exchange. These processes may be considered a primary function of the organization. 

7. We will let the profiteers drown in shallow water.
All constructed bureaucracies are subject to the cycles of the Body Bureaucratic.

8. We plant the seeds of the future in the present. 
The human scale of time exists within the geological scale of time. The Body Bureaucratic implements its best standards and practices for collective survival.  

Leah Sandler (born 1992) is an interdisciplinary artist and writer based in Orlando, Florida. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from Rollins College in 2014 and a Master of Fine Arts from University of the Arts in 2017. Recent exhibitions include the 2020 Florida Biennial, Interstice at MOTOR (curated by the Residency Project) Los Angeles, CA, and Utopian/Vermilion, a solo exhibition at ParkHaus15 in Orlando, FL. Sandler’s writing and projects have been featured in publications including Salat Magazin, SPECS Journal, and Mapping Meaning Journal. She is the author of The Center For Post-Capitalist History’s Field Guide to Embodied Archiving, published by Burrow Press, released in September 2021.