The Anarchipelago
by Gounis Comics and Layerlove

20 July 2014
The First Edition of a Communal Effort
Seventy-four years ago, in the unsettled region of the Archipelago, a society was born. What you hold in your hands is our first attempt at documenting ourselves; the premier issue of The Archipelago.
Intellectual property in the Archipelago belongs to all inhabitants and this newspaper is no exception. The writing, editing, printing, publishing and distribution will be done collectively, on a volunteer basis.
Each and every one of us has the right to express ourselves and to be informed. Each and every one of us is a journalist, an editor and a reader. Each and every one of us has the right to start a new edition or create a fork to the current edition, by editing articles or adding new ones to those already written by other inhabitants.
Every Inner has the right to freely copy, reprint and/or redistribute The Archipelago. The newspapers can be reused and recycled. Distribution sites are created as necessary. Small or Big Assemblies will make this information publicly available.
The Archipelago functions as a distributed peer-to-peer network, in which every Inner is both author and reader, both distributor and receiver. Please enjoy reading the first edition

20 July 2014
Inner Maritime
Network Instructions
I. Each Village can build boats for shared use, the number of which will be determined by its Big Assembly.
II. Inners have the right to use shared boats in every Village in the Archipelago.
III. Every boat bears a unique identification, including the initials of its Village of origin and serial number.
IV. When taking out a shared boat, the boater must note the time and dates of departure and arrival at the relevant ports. This applies for every port entered or exited. Boats may be reserved in advance by using the sign-up board at the port of departure.
V. Each Village defines a minimum number of boats that must remain moored at its ports, in case of emergency transport needs. If the number of boats in a port is equal to or below the minimum, no additional boats may be taken out, except in cases of emergency.

20 July 2014
We Are
Much More!
“One look from him will burn you up!” “ She can move things with her mind!” “He’s stuck in a wheelchair.” “She controls the weather!”
To many, mutants are sideshow freaks—less than human—like the physically or mentally disabled, homosexuals or cancer patients. A mutant’s wings, a psychopath’s violent urges, a person’s hearing impairment, they all hide the complexity of their true natures.
On the Grand Continent, aberration is identity. Having claws buried any human characteristics I had; I was defined only by my abnormality. I was never Logan; I was the guy with the deadly claws. Jessica was the alcoholic with a mean right hook. Bruce was the raging green monster. In the eyes of Outers, we were one-dimensional; our extraordinary attributes consumed our individual identities.
We are more than this. We are more than capes and masks, than otherworldly strength or unnatural speed, than enhanced abilities or super intelligence. We are much more.

HYPERIA MEDICAL ACTIVITY WORK TEAM IMMEDIATE New Renaissance, Hyperia ∆ Vacancies for medical careworkers to support Neo-Inners. | THEATRE SEMINAR Saturday 26.07.2014 – Saturday 30.08.2014, 3:00pm Pnyx, Dryopida, Ophiusa ∆ Seminar on acting, speech and dance. |
CLIMBING GROUP «THE ROCK» Thursday 24.07.2014, 5:00am Gray Port, Kalliste ∆ This week we meet to conquer the Stone Titan! | ILIESSA VILLAGE STREET CLEANING WORK TEAM Start Friday 01.08.2014, 08:00am Inner Square, Iliessa Village ∆ 5 vacancies in August for sweeping and cleaning of local streets and common areas. |
DRAWING GROUP “PROPORTIONS AND PERSPECTIVE” Tuesday 22.07.2014 – Thursday 24.07.2014, 12:00pm White Square, Arkesini, Hyperia ∆ Nature drawing with instruction and feedback. | CREATIVE ADVENTURE GROUP “THE SEA” Friday 25.07.2014, 11:00am Building L, Azure Gate, Iliessa ∆ Hiking and painting on Meropia. Boat departs from the Azure Gate at 11:00am. Don’t be late! |
THE ARCHIPELAGO NEWSPAPER WORK TEAM Wednesday 23.07.2014, 6:00pm Building D6, Iliessa Village ∆ Discussion and design of an analog distributed database of newspaper distribution locations. |
MARITIME COORDINATION GROUP IMMEDIATE Arkesini, Hyperia and Southport, Yura ∆ 4 vacancies for maintenance and repair of shared boats at Arkesini, Hyperia. |
The Archipelago is a peer-to-peer fictional newspaper that appears in self-published art-book The Heroic Affair of Mr. Gouneberg. The forementioned book is a pseudo-archive of newspaper covers, personal notes and excerpts related to Mr. Gouneberg’s research on the mysterious disappearance of our beloved comic heroes. The case of this enigmatic affair unfolds to readers as they patiently pursue all the information laid out for them in the archive. More info on the book:
GOUNIS COMICS is a multicellular, eukaryotic organism that belongs to the kingdom Animalia. He is a comic writer, artist, self-publisher and software developer. His home is planet Earth and he was first composed in Thessaloniki, Greece in 1982 due to random natural procedures combined with the spring urges of his creators. Coming of age found him studying Computer Engineering at Technical University of Crete in Chania. However, he is aware of what the sun looks like. A few years later, though, he totally forgot what the sun is since he moved to Stockholm for his masters in Software Engineering of Distributed Systems at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. In 2009, he was beamed up to Berlin, where he now resides and works as a Web Developer in an online sex shop. His passions are comics and hanging out on the stoop. His latest work, The Heroic Affair of Mr. Gouneberg, is designed by LAYERLOVE, a Berlin-based Graphic Designer and Print Maker.