

‘I did’[28] ‘have’[29] ‘sometimes’[30] ‘the experience’[31] ‘that’[32] ‘I’[33] was’[34] ‘a mirror’[35]

‘the experience’[37]
‘that I realize’[38]> ‘I’[39]

‘I’[41] ‘mirror’[42]
‘the experience’[43]

‘mirror’ [Translated by author] (cd 1, track 4)[44]












‘art’[56] [translated by author]


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29 Strömquist Liv. (2018). Fruit of knowledge: the vulva vs. the patriarchy. (M. Bowers, Trans.). Seattle, WA: Fantagraphics Books.
30 Gopnik, B. (2016, April 21). Cindy Sherman Takes On Aging (Her Own). The New York Times. Retrieved from
31 Calvino, I. (1972). Invisible cities. Vintage 1997.
32 C. (2012, March 18). Face Blindness, part 2. Retrieved October 28, 2017, from
33 Fitch Little, H. (2019, May 3). The weird conceptual universe of the artist Laure Prouvost. Financial Times. Retrieved from
34 Weir, B. (2017). Everythinggetstreatedthesame/. Belfast: Ben Weir.
36 Berger, J. (2012). Ways of seeing: based on the Bbc television series with John Berger. London: British Broadcasting Corp.
37 DeConnick, K. S., Landro, V. D., Wilson, R., Peter, C., & Cowles, C. (2015). Bitch Planet. Berkeley, CA: Image Comics.
37 Yuen, N. (n.d.). Yuen, N. from
38 Kaufman, C. (2015) Anomalisa.
39 Enthoven. (2011). Binnenskamers. Amsterdam: De Harmonie.
40 Donachie, J. (2017). Jacqueline Donachie: right here among them. Edinburgh: The Fruitmarket Gallery.
41 McGregor, H., & Collins, M. (2019, November 22). I Wish I Had A Mustache with Max Collins. Retrieved from
42 Lauwaert, M., & Westrenen, F. van. (2017). Facing value: radical perspectives from the arts. Amsterdam: Valiz.

43 Out Of Context – For Pina | Alain Platel |. (n.d.). Retrieved October 29, 2017, from
44 Pirandello L, Verdurmen I, Brinkman S, Franssen P. (2006). Porgy Franssen leest Iemand, niemand en honderdduizend van Luigi Pirandello.
45 Brodsky, A., & Utkin, I. (2017). Cancelled 6/21/90. Finland?: LEsprit de lEscalier.
46 Vinyals, O., & Le, Q. (n.d.). A Neural Conversational Model.
47 Foster, H. The Artist as Ethnographer?.
48 Schalken, T. T. (2018). Eldorado. Leuven: Uitgeverij Oogachtend.
49 Wesseling, J. (2018, May 2). Melanie Bonajo eist respect voor aarde, mens en dier. NRC. Retrieved from
50 Duff, M. (2016). The pineapple. The author.
51 Schneider, S. (2019). No fish. Berlin: 5b.
52 Wesseling, J. (2018, May 2). Melanie Bonajo eist respect voor aarde, mens en dier. NRC. Retrieved from voor-aarde-mens-en-dier-a1601562
53 Bechdel, A. (2015). Fun home: a family tragicomic. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
54 Yuen, N. (n.d.). Yuen, N. from
55 Jeffries, S. (2009, July 01). Orlan’s art of sex and surgery. Retrieved October 28, 2017, from
56 Wesseling, J. (2018, May 2). Melanie Bonajo eist respect voor aarde, mens en dier. NRC. Retrieved from