insofar as mirrorlike, yields idle accurate duplications of the appearances of things, and is of no cognitive benefit what- ever. ’[13] ‘If a mirror-image of o is indeed an imitation of o, then, if art is imitation, mirror-images are art.’[14] ‘According to’[15] ‘Cleverbot’[16] ‘you do nothing with information except repeat it.’[17] ‘So information can’t be new?’[18] ‘I know that you know that I know that you know that I know that you know that I know that you know.’[19] ‘Looking for their authenticity, the cult and its glorification is a typical reaction of the postmodern human on the confusion that has struck by the disappearance of big certainties, by the dissolved foundation of big truths.’[20]
‘However’[21] ‘Hamlet, more acutely, recognized a remarkable feature of reflecting surfaces, namely that they show us what we could not otherwise perceive-our own face and form-and so art, insofar as it is mirrorlike, reveals us to ourselves, and is, even by Socratic criteria, of some cognitive utility after all.’[22] ‘I did have sometimes the experience that I was apologizing to someone and then realize it was a mirror.’[23] ‘each new piece simultaneously situates itself’[24] ‘between’[25] ‘itself’[26] ‘I did have sometimes the experience that I was apologizing to someone and then realize it was a mirror.’[27]