

insofar as mirrorlike, yields idle accurate duplications of the appearances of things, and is of no cognitive benefit what- ever. ’[13] ‘If a mirror-image of o is indeed an imitation of o, then, if art is imitation, mirror-images are art.’[14] ‘According to’[15] ‘Cleverbot’[16] ‘you do nothing with information except repeat it.’[17] ‘So information can’t be new?’[18] ‘I know that you know that I know that you know that I know that you know that I know that you know.’[19] ‘Looking for their authenticity, the cult and its glorification is a typical reaction of the postmodern human on the confusion that has struck by the disappearance of big certainties, by the dissolved foundation of big truths.’[20]

‘However’[21] ‘Hamlet, more acutely, recognized a remarkable feature of reflecting surfaces, namely that they show us what we could not otherwise perceive-our own face and form-and so art, insofar as it is mirrorlike, reveals us to ourselves, and is, even by Socratic criteria, of some cognitive utility after all.’[22] ‘I did have sometimes the experience that I was apologizing to someone and then realize it was a mirror.’[23] ‘each new piece simultaneously situates itself’[24] ‘between’[25] ‘itself’[26] ‘I did have sometimes the experience that I was apologizing to someone and then realize it was a mirror.’[27]


13 Danto, A. (1964). The Artworld. The Journal of Philosophy, 61(19), 571.doi:10.2307/2022937
14 Danto, A. (1964). The Artworld. The Journal of Philosophy, 61(19), 571.doi:10.2307/2022937
15 Sacks, O. (may 10, 1993). A NEUROLOGIST’S NOTEBOOK TO SEE AND NOT SEE. The New Yorker. Retrieved from
16 Vinyals, O., & Le, Q. (n.d.). A Neural Conversational Model.
17 Cleverbot. (n.d.). Cleverbot. from
18 Idem
19 Idem
20 Coussens. (2016, October 16). EENTJE VOOR DE GESCHIEDENIS. Theaterkrant. Retrieved from De warme winkel speelt de warme winkel

21 Birringer, J. (1986). Pina Bausch: Dancing across Borders. The Drama Review: TDR, 30(2), 85.doi:10.2307/1145729
22 Danto, A. (1964). The Artworld. The Journal of Philosophy,61(19), 571. doi:10.2307/2022937
23 C. (2012, March 18). Face Blindness, part 2. Retrieved October 28, 2017, from
24 Ballantine, C. (1979). Charles Ives and the Meaning of Quotation in Music. The Musical Quarterly, LXV(2), 167-184. doi:10.1093/mq/lxv.2.167
25 Kaufman, C. (2008) Synecdoche, New York. Angelic, R.
26 Merleau-Ponty, M. (2004). The world of perception. (Davis, O.) London: Routledge. (Original work published 1948).
27 C. (2012, March 18). Face Blindness, part 2. Retrieved October 28, 2017, from